Class project: Addiction

Πέμπτη, 18 Απριλίου 2024
Class project: Addiction

Since the beginning of the school year two English classes of the 5th Class of Senior High (Level 2 & 3, Dr. Evie Benetou's classes) dealt with the issue of Addictions in a project—for the most part, of alcohol addiction and, also, of other addictive substances at large.

They read, researched and discussed a lot on the topic and, finally, decided on a definition about addiction. Then, a project line was set up as they were delving deeper. It felt a good idea to hear speakers talk to them about alcohol addiction and of addictions in general. It was decided that three speakers would be sought, a psychologist, to speak about the building and the psychological consequences of a habit to a person, a chemical engineer, to speak about the chemical character of an addictive substance such as alcohol and a doctor, to talk about the destructive power of alcohol (and of other addictive substances) on the human body and the possibility of a cure, if any.

The students wrote questions in English to ask every guest speaker. The questions were translated in Greek and sent to the speakers. Visiting dates were arranged. Mrs Lina Kesanoglou (the school clinical psychologist), Mr Spyros Mantzoutas (a chemical engineer and school chemistry/technology teacher), and Mrs Skorda (a pathologist doctor and mother of one the students) kindly accepted the invitation and offered to come and talk to the students.

All during the project period, the students were using research techniques they had been learning during the year (i.e., data collection using logs, eliciting info from individuals of interest, making up descriptive summaries and measures through registries, surveys, theoretical claims). Finally, in groups, they came up presenting their own work in class with topics that adhered to the main theme of addictions.

The students have found the project meaningful to their lives and significant to the times of their living.

The students of the 5th Senior High class (Level 2 & 3)

Teacher, Dr. Evie Benetou